Thursday, 30 August 2012

TF2 Mann vs Machine Review

So Last review i said that Levelling is a stupid idea in FPS like Cod and in Battlefield. pointless system locking guns till you have gone though hell and back just so you can get a AK-47

but levelling Can work in games that are not RPGS

GTA: SA had a leveling system of sorts and Crackdown is a perfect example of a third person shooter with a good leveling system

why do i bring these things up?

Because the new TF2 Update adds a leveling system


so this new update is short of a tower defence co-op gamemode

it up to you and a group of people to fight off robots and stop them from blowing up a hole in the ground

New enemies 

The Robot Army 

Now we have the TF2 Bots. robot forms of the classes found in the normal game but with some twists

But there are other bots


these are bot 10 times bigger then the normal bots and are more powerful

these are pains in the ass to kill

they take way more hits and can deal pain like they own the Store of asskicking and you are in the buying mood

as far as i can see their are around 4 giant robots

Giant heavys

Giant Pyros

Giant Demo

Giant Scouts

these are some tough Assholes with Powerful weapons and some times THEY COME IN PAIRS

And there are the Tank and the Sentry Buster.

The Tank

The Tank is just  a brick shit house that can't kill you. no really it can't kill you, All it does is take a bomb to the hole with no defence on it at all. it got alot of health but does nothing to you. does not run you over or have lawnmower blades on it 

it is easy to take down but it takes some time to kill

The Sentry Buster

and the the sentry Busters AAAAAAAARRRRRRRR


if you are playing as a engineer you will learn to HATE THESE

they are walking bombs that aim straight for your sentry and can't be stop unless they are killed first but this thing has a HUGE amount of health for no reason

even if you pick up your sentry it will follow you like a killer in a horror film that blows up

it is the bane of all engineers life

the levelling system 

Well this is new

this new system is ripped straight out of any Tower defence game you can find online

most of the upgrades are useless and you will only put points into a couple and leave it at that

it kind of dumb having a upgrade system at all

but the upgrade do help

i mostly play as scout with the force of nature and getting max power and max number of shoots is game breaking but fun

some are useful like health and reload but some are plan useless like jump hight for the engie

Final Though 
Mann Vs Machine is alot of fun but needs to be worked on a little

from gamebreaking upgrades to overpowered weapons like my force of nature

lot's of fun

bring friends and have fun blowing up robots


  1. First of all, Tanks can kill you!
    Second of all, Sentry busters cant detonate while moving! just grab your sentry, get close and run the fuck away!
    Third problem, there are not just 4 giants but almost 10
    1. Giant heavy
    2. giant heavyweight champ
    3. giant scout
    4. giant mayor leauge scout
    5. Giant crits heavy
    6. A type of heavy i forgot but has all of the buffs of every class and the hp of 2 tanks
    7. giant medics
    8. giant crits medic
    9. Giant flare gun pyros
    10.giant reflector pyros
    11. giant pyros
    12. 2-4 tank clusters
    13. giant soliders
    14. giant rapid fire soliders
    15. giant original soliders
    16. giant crits soliders
    17. giant demoknight
    18. giant rapid fire demomen
    19.giant crits pyro
    20. Giant reflector heavy
    and yeah we did get some patches here and there in the 8 year gap
    but i hope you read this and say
    "dam this person is retarded since the yreplied to an 8 year old post"
